Basketball and . . . guns?

For all those gamers out there, you probably know that Call of Duty just released the sequel to “Modern Warfare” which is called “Call of Duty: Black Ops”.  You’re probably also wondering, how does this relate to my blog about basketball and sports?  Well, if you checked out their commercial recently, LA Lakers star Kobe Bryant was featured in the commercial, promoting the concept that everyone can play this game.  The game is a violent game and by having Kobe Bryant be in this commercial, many fans have started to criticize Kobe and his choice on promoting on such a game.  Since Kobe is a well known basketball star and many kids who play the game of basketball look up to him, parents are raving about what he’s doing and questioning his morality.  If kids see their favouritebasketball star hold an assault rifle and fire bullets at other people, what would stop them from doing the same . . . in a game, of course.  People are saying it is completely “out of bounds” for Kobe to be in such an ad, and I agree.  When you have such high fame and status, one must be aware of what he or she does and says.  Celebrities always have their reputations on the line, and in terms of marketing towards the gamers out there, putting Kobe in the commercial was a bad idea.

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