Star Power

Entering into the fourth week of marketing, the topic of consumer behaviour was mentioned and discussed.  It was a topic that covered many different aspects in terms of influences, ranging from psychological factors, social factors, and situational factors.  As I watching this recent commercial that was released just a couple days ago, I spotted one of the main teaching points I learned in class.

Here’s the video:

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The ad above is marketing the new “Power Beats” headphones by Dr Dre.  Prior to releasing these new headphones, I knew that Dre had previously produced other types of headphones and accessories.  However, I do not think they ever had to market them in commercials because I assume consumer’s would just buy them, knowing they are from Dre, one of the well-known producers out there.

I hope consumers out there know that this commercial is all based on a marketing scheme that appeals to social factors that influence society.  In this case, this commercial is based on celebrity fame power.  By using producer Dr. Dre, all-star athlete Lebron James, and comedian Affion Rockett, they come up with a humorous commercial where it shows James working out with Dre.  Rockett basically just bugs and teases as they workout and that pretty much sums it up.  The problem I have with this commercial is that they did not say anything about the product.  All I know is that they’re called the “Power Beats”.  I do not know what sound quality they give off, the comfort level on the ears, and the list goes on.  The idea behind this is that by using a reference group, in this case, famous people that the consumer may want to emulate, they lure the customer into believing that just because these celebrities wear them, they must also wear them.  But the Beats brand label by Dr Dre already has previously established a connection with NBA stars that support his product, which gives it star power and value.  In additional with brand loyalty, these overpriced headphones will definitely attract the basketball players out there.  Needless to say though, I know I would not buy a pair . . . or would I?

So I guess when you have Dre, Lebron, and Affion Crockett in one commercial, it can’t be a bad thing.

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