Life After Facebook?

In a blog post titled What Comes After Social by David Armano, he discusses and analyzes the rapid change in technology, particularly social media, and how it’s forcing Marketers to adapt to the changing marketplaces. Armano’s blog “Logic + Emotion” discusses issues and analyses of the involvement of technology and advancement of marketing as a form of communication. In What Comes After Social, Armano compares the methods by which he would “market” when he initially began his career to how companies and individuals must now incorporate an extensive amount of methodologies into their marketing in order to continue to perform at an optimal level. Specifically, Armano acknowledges how costs, content, overall integration, teams and the ROI have had to adapt to a market that requires Marketers to be different and unique if they want attention.


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I found this blog particularly interesting for two reasons: 1) It shows just how fast the vessels which Marketers use to communicate with their target market are changing and how Marketers must adapt to the new trends. 2) I found it interesting how the blog provides evidence that it is increasingly becoming harder to both define and reach specific target markets in a growing amount of marketplaces. In this constantly changing and advancing world, individuals and organizations must recognize the volatility of marketplaces. By volatility I mean that, for many markets there is a real concern that a new product or technology be created which would completely take over a given market indefinitely. I came upon this idea after reading the section of Armano’s blog where he discusses the use of Instagram by Oreo to “integrate its marketing techniques”. In particular, thought of how Instagram, a well established Social Media Outlet, nearly abolished Vine from the marketplace by creating the video capability that made Vine so successful.


Given the market or world that I will be a consistent contributor too in the near future this article just reminds me that no matter what sort of success’ or failures I experience, I know that I just have to keep learning and working hard and I’ll give myself the best chance to succeed.

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