Healthy McDonald’s: An Oxymoron?

Have you tried McDonald’s most recent addition to its menu, the Veggie Signature McWrap™? We all know (and perhaps love) McDonald’s for its value-meals, which generally consist of a burger, fries, and a soda, but fast-food companies like McDonald’s has been under intensifying scrutiny for their contribution to the prominent health issue of obesity.

While it’s not trying to re-image its original fast-food brand, McDonald’s is certainly venturing into the “healthy” market of the fast-food industry, appealing to more health-conscious consumers, thereby enlarging its target audience. McDonald’s has been the unparalleled leader of the fast-food industry, with Subway following closely behind. Subway has made its brand synonymous with healthy-eating, and that has been its unique selling point. Back in 1998, Jared Fogle lose a whopping 245 pounds by living on the “Subway diet”, and he is still featured on Subway’s websites today.

By launching healthy options such as the Veggie McWrap, McDonald’s tries to take up more market share in the fast-food market. While Subway indubitably trumps McDonald’s in terms having first-mover advantage in the “healthy” fast-food sector, McDonald’s established brand name benefits the launch of its healthy menu options. Side salads have been announced to be offered as an alternative to McDonald’s conventional fries by early 2014, as an initiative to reduce childhood obesity. While this initiative is hopeful, some people may be overly passionate about their fries.

In recent years, fast-food consumers have seemed to show more interest in their calorie intake, and a recent study by the Hudson Institute discovered that sales of “higher-calorie foods” fell by approximately 1.3 billion orders between 2006 and 2011. The sales of fries alone dipped by 1.9% at fast-food chains. This shift is driving increasing numbers of fast-food restaurants to offer healthier options on their menus, just as McDonald’s is beginning to do.

Would you make the switch from Subway to McDonald’s Veggie wraps?


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