The Business of Blogging

People writing about clothing and what’s “in” is kind of a big thing now. Since the inception of back in 2008, the popularity of fashion blogging has intensified.

Following fashion trends or creating your own identity through how you dress has become a big part of teenagers’ lives. So has blogging. But while blogging was once simply for expressing oneself, it has now become a full bloom business – that is, if you become a successful blogger.

Many Lookbook users often link their outfits to their personal blogs, helping them promote their own websites. Take Chiara Ferragni and Ebba Zingmark as examples. Having started their careers as fashion enthusiasts on Lookbook, posting outfits weekly, they have now become international models and entrepreneurs. Through their popular blogs, The Blonde Salad and Ebba Zingmark, respsectively, they have gained international popularity and made thousands of dollars as more and more fashion brands approach them to advertise on their blogs.

Goes to show even the easiest of tasks can become profit-making, doesn’t it?


3 thoughts on “The Business of Blogging

  1. Pingback: The Business of Blogging http://blogs.ub… | Business Fundamentals Section 102

  2. Hey Joie,

    It’s good and refreshing to see people making money while doing the things they love.

    Just goes to show that if you have the right mindset, and follow your passion, business is a piece of cake.

  3. Pingback: The Business of Blogging II | Colin Lam's Blog

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