Philip Morris International




One of the leading companies in the tobacco industry,Philip Morris International (PMI), took a stand against child labour in the production of their products. In class three we were taught about ethics in business and the importance of conducting ethics to be successful throughout a company. PMI exemplifies ethics in an outstanding way. PMI is now obtaining supply from “third-party leaf supply companies instead of purchasing directly from tobacco farms that disregard child labor standards”(C.Jose). The tobacco industry is not usually known for its ethical production methods, so I feel that this is the initial stepping stone which will create this industry to be conscious about were its tobacco comes from.

6a00d8341bfbc053ef0133f64ac6aa970b-300wi Americans who smoke will not promote the use of child labour where “Many of the children working on the farms were as young as 7″(C.Jose). Being forces to work “50 to 60 hours each week” to support families at the age of 7, as well, in hazardous conditions is unacceptable and I am quite concerned why this was not dealt with several years ago. The PMI name itself will be given a stronger brand position. The value proposition which gives the consumer knowledge and value that the tobacco being bought is not being produced by children. Furthermore, this will therefore negatively shed light onto its competitors causing PMI to obtain a better position over its rivals.



“Eliminating Child Labor.” Press Releases RSS. Web. 9 Nov. 2014. <>.

“An Unexpected Company Just Took a Major Stand Against Child Labor.” Mic. Web. 9 Nov. 2014. <>.



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