Adam Sanders “Nestlé extracting B.C.’s drinking water for free”



My fellow class mate, Adam Sanders wrote a blog post about the unjust thievery that Nestle constructs in British Columbia. Sanders exploits the true ethics of Nestle which is  “a multi-billion dollar corporation, [who] is able to extract and package ground water from BC for absolutely no cost”(Sanders). I completely agree with the angle at which Adam’s blog proposes to us.  I personally feel with such a well off company as Nestle it is unrighteous and unethical to be generating such a high profit for nothing. I am a Stake Holder of Nestle and I feel that their wrong doings is cheating the consumer. Although, Nestle did capitalize on a very good opportunity which exponentially helped their company grow. If, had Nestle given back or contributed to the community, consumers would not be as furious. I personally believe that legislation is obligated to implement regulations on this because “there is no such thing as a free lunch”. Nestle appears approaching their business model as Milton freedman suggests, where their prime responsibilities is to maximizes profit and neglect the Stake holders . Although we know that this is not the ethical and just way to do business as Ed Freeman stated”A business that doesn’t pay attention to quality of life in the community, doesn’t pay attention to issues of corporate responsibility, of sustainability, on its effects on civil society, that’s a business that’s soon to be regulated and to decline”. Nestle will soon have to pay its tole and the accumulating of this free ride will effect the company in the long run.

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