Si Hang, I agree that the concept of F2P (Free to play) is a great way to attract customers and lure them into buy in-game content. F2P games tend to be more money-grabbing than P2P (Pay to play) games. Blizzard is a game industry that is known for top-notch quality games. Hey, take a look at Starcraft 2; it’s one of the biggest games in eSports. It has high end graphics, depth, and unlimited re-playability with its multiplayer function; Consumers know what they’re paying for. F2P, on the other hand, traps you. You play the game thinking it’s free, but then you realize you’re at a disadvantage compared to the people who pay for in-game content. Therefore consumers start paying more and more and more. Before they know it, they’re paying more than what they would pay for a full $60 dollar retail game! More industries should use this concept; make people believe it’s free at first, then place the “purchase more content button” in their face.

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