Customer Service? More like Employee Service

Service is defined as taking action to create value for someone else; this is exactly what Zappos has done for their employees. By creating a set of core values for his company, Tony Hsieh has successfully established an employee base that provides excellence customer service. Zappos’s selective recruitment processĀ  separates the people who are there for the right reasons and people who are there only to make money; this is shown through the fact that some people take the $2000 to quit after the first week. This set of core values allows all employees in the company to have common goals which in turn creates efficiency. Generally, employees in other companies have their own personal values and systems to live by which is inefficient and generates conflicting interests within the company. This holds true especially for company takeovers; when IBM took over lotus, it drove it into the ground since Lotus’s innovative structure wasn’t compatible with IBM’s rigid structure. “When company A takes over B, company B cannot assume the structure of A”. Managing employee performance is very difficult since “everybody’s different” and it’s hard to predict the behavior of people.

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