What I’ve learned in Comm 101

Comm 101 has taught me a lot this term. It has showed me that business is a lot more than just accounting. Major key decisions revolve around social aspects as well as the environment. Many companies have their own unique way of doing things and these innovations are what make them so successful. Accounting is also important; based on the financial statements, key decisions can be made about the company. I’ve learned how to use a SWOT diagram as well as a porter’s five forces; these are tools that I will use throughout my undergraduate career. I learned how marketing and differentiation plays an important role in selling products and I realized that marketing is more complicated than just “advertising”. Blogging is a useful tool in giving one’s opinion on a particular subject matter. Therefore, I felt it was necessary to dedicate my last blog post to Comm 101. In a world where there are many social problems, students need to be thrown into real situations and decide for themselves what the best course of action is; Comm 101 has done that. The case studies didn’t give much instruction and I’m sure that was the point.

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