333-0 *Rogers has sent an attachment*

With the rise of technology and social media, advertisements have become part of our daily lives. No matter where we go, there is always an advertisement ready to pop-up in our faces. However, how long does it take for your average consumer to start drowning out the noise? Companies are always looking for new and innovative ways to grab your attention.

Rogers Communications Inc. is planning to launch a new service that will let advertisers know whenever a roger’s user is near their own store. This service will allow advertisers to send promotions, via text, to lure consumers into their store. However, the question is whether this service will be effective or not.

Would text messaging change a consumers behaviour? Texting has, after all, become part of our daily lives. If there was an alternative homogeneous store nearby, would it deter the consumer from dropping by? If this service gained enough momentum, would every store start using it?  If so, would the consumer start “drowning out the noise” of advertisements again?  Consumers’  feelings about a particular company certainly does shape a consumer’s buying behaviour. And this service certainly has allowed companies to become more intimate with their consumers. In a way, this service has been a useful tool in building relationships and maybe even in creating lifelong customers. However, if all companies started using it, would it still be effective? Consumers would still go through the same buying process. If the choice of alternatives were offered, consumers would definitely evaluate other choices. This service is useful in making consumers feel like there is only one alternative. However, a competitive advantage in marketing doesn’t last forever.

“Rogers Alerts” lets advertisers pay to know when people with a Rogers phone are near a store. (Gloria Nieto/The Globe and Mail)


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