Category Archives: Introductions

Hello from Southern California!

Hi, everyone! My name is Jonathan Weber and I am currently living in Lancaster/Palmdale, California (about an hour or so outside of LA) and teaching 7th Grade ELA and Creative Writing. Before this, I lived and taught in mainland China for seven years, but have made the transition this school year back Stateside.

I started the MET program exactly a year ago and this is now my 8/9/10th course in the MET program. If all goes smoothly, I am looking forward to graduating in May. I’ve taken ETEC 511, 512, 531, 530, 532, 540, and 565 already and am taking 500 and 510 together with this course. I’ve found three courses while working full-time to be a master’s class in juggling and time management, but possible!

Although my focus has always been in English, I’m very interested in STEAM and the possibilities that exist when learning becomes cross-curricular and the boundary lines that separate subjects fade away. Hopefully, throughout this course, I will find more and more ways to make that happen and to help support our small middle school staff (5 of us!).

When I’m not checking things off my MET to-do list, I enjoy reading, writing, photography, and anything to be outdoors. I’m including two pictures: the first, my little pup Oliver who just turned two. He accompanies me everywhere and will probably be by my feet with most posts I make, so it seems fitting he should be included. The second is from a recent trip up the coast in our new car that is part EV, as one of my new hobbies is finding free places to charge! 😉

Looking forward to learning with all of you this semester!


Jonathan Weber