Twitter’s Globalization Efforts

October 7th, 2013 § 0 comments

Twitter is one of the biggest social networking sites in the world, however in comparison to Facebook, it is lacking from the international side of things. Three quarters of it’s users reside outside of the United States generating $53 million in revenue, equal to 17% of its total revenue. Meanwhile, Facebook has had half of its revenue from international sources. Twitter is aware of this issue and has many plans to globalize and reap more revenue from outside of the Untied States. Such plans include adding more languages, advertising products in more countries, and opening up additional offices in different countries. While Twitter implements these strategies, it is known that Twitter is a relatively young company. However, companies such as Google were already ahead in terms of international revenues.

After learning about business plans and the importance of globalization, it can be seen that Twitter needs to continue to focus on international revenue. With only one quarter of users in the US producing 83% of its revenue, they are not reaping the profits that could be made outside of the states. With better management and operations, Twitter will soon increase revenue as well as increase the value of the company.

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