New Kindles With An Edge

October 7th, 2013 § 0 comments

Amazon’s new Kindle Fire HDX colour tablets have a unique feature when reviewed with comparable products in the field, they have a 24 hour technical support that can be assessed from your Kindle, allowing the consumer to see and talk to tech support within 15 seconds. While many people don’t see the value of having a Kindle, due to its limited usage variety, Amazon understands that customers of the Kindle care more about the content than the device itself. With the new feature, consumers have the ability to chat with and even get technicians to resolve any problems they have with their Kindle. As well, Amazon has continued by slashing prices down to $139 and $229 for the small and large Fires respectively. They have also become thinner and lighter.

Amazon’s understanding of their customers’ values, needs, and wants, is very effective for them in the long run. They understand that their consumers have very specific tasks and instead of developing new features, they spend time improving the ones that count. Their use of the face to face tech support also shows their understanding of the importance of customer service. Through this, Amazon continues to innovate and improve their products.

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