Inside the fall of BlackBerry: How the smartphone inventor failed to adapt


As BlackBerry is a popular topic in class, this article interested me, as I wanted to see more details behind the decline of BlackBerry. It seems BlackBerrys decline had two main catalysts. Firstly, their failure to create and “ iPhone killer “ ignited their fall. Verizon gave BlackBerry the opportunity to create a phone that would be iPhone competitor, but this resulted as a “ flop.” Verizon immediately turned to Motorola and Google to create an “ iPhone Killer.” This goes to show how scarce opportunities can be. Secondly, once BlackBerry felt the pressure from the iPhone, they began to shy away from their routes that made them successful. They introduced an all-touch smartphone into a market that was already “crowded” with them. This article highlights the importance of balance between new innovation and staying true to your roots. BlackBerry left the roots that made them successful, resulting in their ultimate downfall of a 965 million dollar second quarter loss and 4500 lost jobs.


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