Canada’s top socially responsible corporations

Posted is a link to Canada’s top 50 socially responsible corporations, but what caught my attention was the section concentrated on transportation and logistics. Transportation companies are generally associated with being the main cause towards global warming but BMW is doing something to change that which I believe is very effective. BMW is holding ” annual competitions[s] for its suppliers to introduce sustainable solutions. This strategy relates to the article previously posted about changing the reward system. Suppliers will be rewarded by the fact of knowing that their innovations are making the world a better place, rather than a reward of cash or fame. Another interesting concept is the web-based carbon emission tracking system used by the Canadian National Railway Co. They allow their customers to the see the environmental effect of their shipments by providing an online carbon credit calculator to estimate the environmental impact of their shipment. I strong believe that this is a an effective way to reduce carbon emissions because by providing this calculator you are directly showing your customers the impact they are having on the environment, and in additional they now may feel an obligation to act more eco friendly.

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