In response to

Jonathan brought up a great point that it seems to be a growing trend that companies do not care for the health of their consumers. This post caught my attention because just like Jonathan, business ethics are very important to me. What also caught my attention is that rather than changing the formula of Coke, Coke rather sets up a campaign to promote that the aspartame they use is safe. This is a prime example of how costs drive everything within a company. I assume that Coke is promoting the safety of aspartame rather than changing the formula that makes up Coke because it is cheaper. Another key point stated by Jonathan is that some of the responsibility should be placed on the consumer, not only the producer. Coke would not produce and unsafe product if no one bought it. It is us, the consumer, that allows Coke to continually produce an unsafe product because we are the ones purchasing their unsafe product. By purchasing this product we are saying that it is ok and we support the production of this unsafe beverage. 

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