First Post ~ “Quite the Selection”

by Jordan McGarry on August 7, 2009

Currently: Sitting at my desk at home, listening to “Best I Ever Had – Drake” and telling everyone about my acceptance onto the Blog Squad

Hello world, I am Jordan McGarry. I applied for the UBC Blog Squad within the month of July, and recieved my letter (which was actually an e-mail) of acceptance today! I’m excited to share the upcoming UBC experiences with the rest of you. Today, isn’t really a post about me (but that will come later) but I wanted my first post to be the “example blog post” that I sent in with my application. We were told to choose a topic (out of the three choices) and write an example blog post on it with a limit of 250 words. I chose to write mine about the reasoning behind my decision to attend UBC in the fall. Enjoy, and stay posted on the many upcoming posts to come!

Quite the Selection
University… which one do you pick? The list seems endless: UVIC, SFU, UofT, York, and UBC. But with all these options, how can you narrow it down to just ONE?  I’ve spent countless hours with my High School Counsellor, just looking at the possibilities for post-secondary life. Together we looked at the Pros and Cons of every University, and how it would fit into my life. From there, that list of options grew smaller and smaller, until finally… just one remained. The University of British Columbia, the school I would fight to attend with all my willpower. But why UBC you ask? It’s simple; it’s the only school for me. From the many clubs, the renowned Profs, the beautiful location, and its closeness to home… it was only right that I chose this wonderful school. But ultimately, it came down to the persuasive banter of my cousin, who already attends UBC that lead me to really want to attend. We would stay up until 2a.m. talking about all the good times that we would have if we went to the same school. We would hang out in between classes, cram for exams together, and take thousands of pictures on campus. Quite frankly, she pretty much gave me no other option, I had to attend UBC. In the end, I appreciate her convincing nature, because if I didn’t listen to a word she said, I wouldn’t be attending one of the best Universities in the world, this coming September.

Hope you enjoyed my “UBC Blog Squad” Spot winning post. Stay tuned for many more to come.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Liona 08.08.09 at 4:59 pm


Tyler 08.26.09 at 8:31 pm

SECOND. lols.

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