Too Many Goodbyes

by Jordan McGarry on August 14, 2009

Currently: Watching someone set records on Deal or No Deal Canada.

This is the year in everyone’s life that is full of goodbyes. These goodbyes aren’t the typical “Hey, see you later” goodbyes you commonly say after a movie trip with your best bud. These goodbyes are the “I’m going to miss you” goodbyes you say when you aren’t going to see something/someone for a longtime, or even forever. I came into my Senior Year at High School knowing that these goodbyes await at the end, but I never would’ve imagined that they would be this hard.

Here’s a list of things I’ve had to say the “I’m going to miss you” goodbye too:

  • My High School, my second home (literally) for 6 years. (I went to my school in Gr. 7)
  • My years of very little responsibility.
  • My friends, going to school elsewhere.
  • My cousin, who went to New York for school.

All these things were hard to say goodbye too. Everyone says “It’s okay, there’s always Skype / MSN / iChat / E-mail / the phone”, but all those things aren’t close to the same. It’s also a big effort to use these various methods of Social Networking to maintain a relationship like the one you had before the “goodbye”. That effort combined with the UBC schoolwork, makes it virtually impossible. So try your best, but don’t stress over it. In reality, the things you said goodbye too aren’t likely going to return to the same way. It’s the harsh reality of life, and I felt like I had to share my revelation.

BUT! Remember for every goodbye, there’s an equally good “Hello”

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

T Perry 08.15.09 at 2:03 pm

you are absolutely right!
loving your posts, Jordan.

Kim T 08.16.09 at 7:16 pm

I understand what you’re saying. Most of the friends I said good-bye to after graduation I would never meet again. It’s sad to think of it but really, there’s nothing I can do…we all have to move onto different stages of our lives and embrace new changes…
Haha. I’m getting sentimental again.

Mamajama 08.16.09 at 11:09 pm

Yeah…even I have to say goodbye to you….but I’ll see you every weekend and when I bring you food….which I assume will be every 3 days or so….the way you eat.

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