First Class Impressions

by Jordan McGarry on September 11, 2009

As the first week comes to a close (but Science Frosh awaits this weekend) I thought it’d be good to voice my first impressions on my classes and profs. So far, I’m loving UBC. The campus is so nice, the buildings are beautiful, there’s so many things to do, and the students around are just awesome. I’ve met a couple new people, and I am so happy to of met every single one of them, and hope to grow on our friendships. Although some people say that the First Week of UBC gives the first years a false impression on what UBC is actually like, I’ll just say that the impression worked on me.

Now to the main reason for this post, I want people to know how I feel about my classes. Me, being a Science Geek, I have some pretty heavy intense courses. The profs are still in first gear, and I’m awaiting the gear change. So the profs I LOVE now… may not be the case when they hit me with long lists of homework and exams. So let’s begin…

Chemistry 121 Section 110:
Professor: Lawrence McIntosh

I love my Professor, he’s a funny guy. He makes this course less boring than it actually is. (So far) The ONLY thing I hate about this course right now, is Dr. McIntosh doesn’t like to use Powerpoints too much, so he uses an overhead projector. His writing isn’t the best and can be hard to read. Also, the Chemistry Textbook (specifically made for Chem 121) is written in a very confusing matter. Other than those two things, this course is going very well.

Math 100 Section 103:
Professor: Wayne Nagata

Dr. Nagata definetly writes the best notes so far out of all my Profs. He has two overhead projectors and switches between the two, so that he doesn’t have to scroll up. So, for those slow writers out there, this means you won’t hate it because you have all the time you need. Dr. Nagata didn’t spend too much time talking about himself or the course, we dove right into things from the get-go. Some people may find this upsetting, but I didn’t really mind it. I rather learn what my parents are paying for me to learn than about other things.

Physics 101 Section 102
Professor: Brian Turrell

This course is in the nicest lecture hall on campus. (From what I’ve seen) The course is on interesting topics (As all Physics Courses are) and I am very interested in what I’m learning. Dr. Turrell always uses a powerpoint and a mic (He has too in that huge room). Dr. Turrell tends to go a bit fast when it comes to switching his powerpoint slides, so taking notes doesn’t really help. I tend to just listen to what he has to say, then write / print off the notes at a later time. (I can do that because Dr. Turrell points a PDF Format of his Powerpoint after the lecture)

English 110 Section 008
Professor: Larissa Lai

Dr. Lai is a very nice professor. She encourages discussion in the big lecture hall, and after you say something to the class, she always asks your name. She seems like the person who tries to remember your name to the best of her abilities. Her first lecture was very well planned, and got everyone thinking. There isn’t much to say about this class except “I’m excited about finding out what’s next.”

Biology 121 Section 122
Professor: Greg Bole

By far, the most awesome Prof ever. This guy made me laugh, and even give the silent “awwe” when he mentioned he just got married. He mentioned how he used to be an extra on movies like X-Men 2. He got me excited for Biology. He isn’t a Researcher, so he is strictly a teacher, and that means he’s good. We didn’t really dive into content that much, because we talked a lot about the Course Outline and Dr. Bole’s life. I’ve only had one lecture, but I expect great things from this course.

I hope the rest of you First Years (and all years) have had an awesome first week. And for all you Science’ers, hope to see you guys at Frosh!

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Taren 09.12.09 at 2:21 pm

Jord!!! I am so glad that you enjoyed your first week at UBC and I loved reading your entry! I didn’t have any of the profs that you currently have, but they all sound great. UBC only gets better from here. See you soon. 🙂

Mamajama 09.12.09 at 4:46 pm

Good job Jordan….keep up the good work and the dedication so that one day you will be making kajillions of $$$ to support your parents when they retire.

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