Science Frosh 09′ Aftermath

by Jordan McGarry on September 16, 2009

Currently: Sitting on my couch, listening to Imogen Heap.

Science Frosh 09′ has its high points and its low points. For one, I think majority of the day wasn’t very organized (that’s from my perspective). For one, when they were explaining the activities, they didn’t have a way to amplifiy the leader’s voice so majority of us had no idea what was going on. The Scavenger seemed very disorganized, some of us even getting into trouble for going into Louis Vuitton and asking for a simple shopping bag. (In my opinion, they should’ve asked Louis Vuitton permission first) There was major construction on Broadway, so the buses were full and uncomfortable, which wasn’t a likeable experience. The Camera’s that were used to take the pictures weren’t very good, to the point where my group’s camera lost all its pictures.

But neverless, the high points outweigh the low points of Science Frosh 09′. The speeches from one particular Professor at the beginning of the day (can’t remember his name) was excellent. The Pizza was tasty, as what we’ve come to expect from Dominoes Pizza. The Scavenger was pretty funny, when we actually stopped walking and went to stations and did funny, obnoxious things in front of the adoring public. The Hot Dogs that were made by the SUS Executives were very good (Thanks for that!) and when we finally got to socialize as an entire group (instead of just out groups) I got to meet some interesting people. The Boat Cruise was the HIGH point of the night. The entire cruise was awesome, I was literally dancing from start to finish. The DJ even let me take over and do a couple of mixes! It was definitly good times, and I’m glad I didn’t miss it. If only I didn’t have to get up at 8:00am the morning after to go to school.

On another note, classes are getting intense, lots of homework. I find myself reading at least 20 pages of material a day from various classes. Also, for all you fellow blog squaders that submitted the Bio Information for the Koerner Library, you can find out pictures on the screen in the lobby area!

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Justin 09.16.09 at 7:20 pm

=D Thanks for the recognition for the hot dogs. Unpackaging them was a rather disgusting affair though.

Kelvin Choi 09.17.09 at 10:44 pm

Hey, that was you! Sorry, I didn’t realize you were the dj. Awesome job at the remix!

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