Official Member of [Insert Club Name Here]

by Jordan McGarry on September 25, 2009

Currently: Uploading some most Lost Episodes onto my USB Drive so I can watch some more.

This past half week has been dedicated to Clubs. Clubs everywhere, handing out pieces of paper, majority of which, get thrown in the garbage / recycling bins. I was surprised to see the vast array of different clubs that UBC has to offer. I knew there were a lot of clubs coming into UBC, but some of them are pretty ridiculous. For example, there is a Club that is entirely about sending in secrets about yourself, and they turn them into Post Cards. It was pretty interesting. I’m sure all you UBC Students out there joined some clubs. It will make UBC Life a lot more enjoyable. I myself, joined two clubs… Kababayan (Filipino Student Association) and Pre-Med Society. I’m excited to see what these two clubs have in store for me, and I’ll try my best to be an active member of both of them.

For those of you people who are in later stages of life at UBC, make sure you hit me up with a comment as to which clubs I should join, either this year or next year!

Now, as to what to expect for the upcoming week. Midterms await me at the end of next week.
Thursday – Chemistry 121 Midterm
Friday – English 110 In-Class Essay
I am REALLY not looking forward to that In-Class Essay of mine. I am a terrible Essay writer, which may seem ironic due to the fact that I am a blogger. When it comes to writing things that I enjoy writing about, I feel like I’m decent. But when it comes to writing about a topic given to me, I fail horribly. Chemistry Midterm shouldn’t be that bad, I feel pretty confident in Chemistry right now. Probably thanks to the fact that I’ve been studying non-stop (which gives reason for the lack of posts) for the past week or so.

But in the midst of all these Midterms, the first of many Concerts/Raves I’ll be attending starts on Friday, October 2nd. Deadmau5 is coming to perform at the UBC Thunderbird Arena. For those of you who don’t know who Deadmau5 is (I’m assuming many of you don’t). He is a Canadian DJ from Toronto, who redefines the way DJs perform live today. Unlike your traditional Turntable and Mixer DJ, he uses a completely different set up. He literally manipulates the song on the fly to create a whole new performance. No two performances ever have the same track played, their always manipulated in some way, shape, or form. Deadmau5 has won Juno Awards for his music and has even gone to be Grammy Nominated. He is amazing to watch perform, and best of all, he wears a Mouse Head while he does it.

Which leads me to my next point, the Beats Per Minute Song of the Week, Coming from the one and only Deadmau5. This week’s song is “The Reward is Cheese – Deadmau5” and is one of his more famous songs. I decided to post a video of him performing live at a concert in San Francisco, if you like the song (it’ll be in bad quality, so take that into account) you can check the link underneath the video. ENJOY AND HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND EVERYONE!

The Reward is Cheese – Deadmau5

(Note: If you like this song, check out the Remix “The Reward is More Cheese – Deadmau5” for an even better track!)

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Mamajama 09.26.09 at 8:19 am

Good job so far, Jordan… are studying hard and we know that you will do well.
We’ll see you later today.

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