P90….. X!

by Jordan McGarry on January 5, 2010

Currently: Finishing up reading my English 112 Assigned reading.

So, my New Years Resolution this year was to get in shape and bulk up. Prior to working out, I weighed only a measly 125lbs. A week later, I weigh 132lbs… I gained 7lbs of PURE MUSCLE. (I hope.) Now, I know what you’re all thinking… how did I do this!? Simple. P90X! Its a 90-day workout routine, you do it everyday, for about an hour. (Except for when its the Yoga Day, I can’t do that routine to save my life, so I cut it short) You basically work on a different part of the body everyday, and normally alternate between Upper Body and Lower Body / Cardio. The first half of the Routine is as follows:

Monday: Chest, Back, and Abs
Tuesday: Pylometrics (HARD AS HELL, basically works your legs and core)
Wednesday: Shoulder, Arms, and Abs
Thursday: Yoga (I fail at Yoga)
Friday: Legs, Back, and Abs
Saturday: Cardio
Sunday: Your Rest Day

On top of the workout, I also take two different supplements.  A Creatine Supplement and a Protein Supplement. The Creatine Supplement is called “Cell-Tech” and GUARANTEES, that I gain 7lbs in the first week. (Which I did) The Protein Supplement is called “Quick Mass” and it has HIGH calories and HIGH protein, to help me gain weight as quick as possible. Some of the Calories turn to fat obviously, but that’s what working out is for, to burn those off!!

So that is my New Years Resolution, the first one I’ve ever actually stuck too for more than a week.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Mark Antczak 01.06.10 at 1:54 pm

Hah, this is a nasty trip down memmory lane. I did P90X last year, and it definetly showed results, but its a touch overwhelming. As a diabetic, the meal plan that I followed as well was extremely dangerous, so my doctor took me off it entirely. I still love doing Plyometrics and AbbripperX. Good luck!

Joe 01.06.10 at 9:43 pm

That workout plan is pretty popular. Care to share this great workout plan?

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