Extraction of my Wisdom

by Jordan McGarry on August 26, 2009

This past Monday, I had to go through with the extraction of my wisdom teeth. My bottom two wisdom teeth were impacted (growing in sideways) and my top two wisdom teeth were rubbing against my jaw. Thus, the extraction of all four of my wisdom teeth. I went to a Dentist in Richmond, across from the Richmond General Hospital. To be honest, I don’t even remember the Dentist’s name. (Which probably isn’t a good thing) I was going to put to sleep for the extraction, but before I was given the Anesthetic, I was given a relaxation drug. This drug was the best feeling I’ve ever experienced in my life, I was so relaxed. About 5 minutes after that drug, I was put under. When I woke up, my mouth was completely frozen. The nurse that was taking care of me came in, and I felt a little nauseas. So she put a wet towel on my forehead and let me take a nap. I literally took a 10 minute nap on the surgery chair, but when I woke up, I was completely fine. They gave me my teeth to take home, and they are freakishly huge. No wonder they couldn’t fit inside my mouth, they were as big as my thumb nail. Prior to the Extraction, I did some research on what I had to do to help in the healing process. For those of you who haven’t got their wisdom teeth out and are going to, here are my tips to you:

  • Take the drugs they give you (Anti-inflammatory, Antibiotics, and T3s) with a glass of milk to aid in the digestive process
  • Eat nothing but soft foods for the first couple of days (Yogurt, Milkshakes, Soup, Pudding, Mashed Potatoes) until you feel comfortable with attempting harder foods.
  • Do not wash your mouth with any solution (including brushing your teeth) for the first 12 hours, after the first day make sure you wash your mouth with a Salt-Water Solution 5 – 6 times a day.
  • Do not use a straw or spit, this may re-open the gum and cause Dry Socket (The exposure of your jaw bone)
  • Elevate your head when sleeping for the first couple of days, to prevent excess bleeding.
  • Stay away from your parents while they are cooking your sister/brother food, you’ll hate life.
  • Apply an Ice Pack every few hours to help with the Swelling (Thanks to Eastwood for the reminder!)

For those of you that have already gotten your wisdom teeth taken out, leave a comment with your experiences!

{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }

Eastwood 08.26.09 at 11:28 am

Hmm… I don’t see why a dentist would prescribe antibiotics for a routine extraction. One thing to add: don’t forget to use an ice pack a for few hours after the operation to mitigate the swelling.

Earlier during the summer, I had one wisdom tooth pulled. Thankfully, the tooth was in its early developmental stage and only a local anaesthetic was used. I sat through the post-op afternoon without getting pain-killers (in retrospect, I’m not sure if that was such a great idea 😛 ).

Jordan McGarry 08.26.09 at 12:10 pm

I forgot to add the Ice Pack. Thanks for the reminder!

I was given Antibiotics to prevent infection in the gum. It’s just a precautionary action that isn’t REALLY necessary if I take care of it myself.

Tyler 08.26.09 at 6:03 pm

I had the sideways teeth in all of my wisdom teeth. I didn’t get a relaxation drug before they put me under though. They just gassed me (and I hated it).

A different suggestion I was given: alternate between heat packs and cold packs every 20 minutes. I’ve been given this advice for many injuries before. The cold packs will reduce swelling, and the heat packs will increase blood flow and healing rate.

Good luck. Take advantage of cheap McDonald’s ice cream (or DQ Blizzards) while you have the excuse 😛

Paulina 08.26.09 at 7:10 pm

“Stay away from your parents while they are cooking your sister/brother food, you’ll hate life.” LOL

maybe that’s why my brother avoided me so much at that time…

Mamajama 08.26.09 at 10:46 pm

Tomorrow…..it’s time to hit the big time with scrambled eggs.

Mary Leong 08.27.09 at 1:15 am

Wisdom tooth extraction stories always intrigue me. I don’t have wisdom teeth- and my dentist’s told me that I’ll never have them, so I’ll have to live vicariously and toothily through you lot 😀

Jordan McGarry 08.27.09 at 8:37 am

You’ll have never have wisdom teeth!? You are one lucky girl, I’ve been starving myself for the past 3 days cause of stupid Wisdom Teeth!!

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