My Christmas Present

by Jordan McGarry on January 2, 2010

Currently: Preparing a DJ Set to post on my Facebook

So, this Christmas, my Main Gift from Santa were these awesome Monitor Speakers that literally make my ears go to heaven everytime I blast them enough to annoy my neighbors. I’ve been using them to DJ in my room, preparing sets and stuff, haven’t really used them at parties or anything. But for New Years, I DJ’d for my family party. We rented out a Ballroom at the Marriott in Richmond, about 80 people were there. My set was awesome, I killed it… literally! Now that I turn 19 on Sunday, I’ll be looking to make my way into the club scene!!

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Christmas Checklist

by Jordan McGarry on December 22, 2009

Currently: Listening to Inside Me – Marcel Woods

Things to do this Christmas Break: (In no order of Priority)

  1. Set-up a DJ JD Fan Page on Facebook, so I can publicly broadcast my DJ Sets.
  2. Finish my Cousin Secret Santa Project
  3. Buy my first alcoholic beverage legally (delayed to Jan. 3rd)
  4. Hit Rank 70 on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
  5. Blog More
  6. Finally submit my Application to Volunteer at Richmond General Hospital
  7. Shop for Clothes… cause I love clothes.
  8. Go Clubbing (delayed to Jan. 3rd)
  9. Finish Season 3 of House

More to be added… if I think of any.

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Term One Summary

by Jordan McGarry on December 3, 2009

Currently: Getting home from practicing some Driving.

So, Term One of my University Life comes to a close as of tomorrow. It feels like 80% of the time I spent studying, 5% on Transit, and 15% on Facebook. Speaking of Facebook, many of my friends have went for the “Facebook Hiatus” method of studying Finals. Any thoughts? Is this a good way to go? First round of Finals start on Tuesday for me, beginning with Math. But before the Finals, and before I get biased, I will give a summary of what to expect for the next year students thinking about getting into Sciences.

Chemistry 121:
This class is very deceiving, it starts off with easy course material, most people could’ve probably done it in High School. But then… Orbitals and Schrodingers Equation starts to come up and everything changes. Expect to have lots to study for in the later sections of the course. Another problem I have with this course, is the textbook (at the time of this post). It is a custom made UBC Textbook. First off, it has mistakes in the answer key (which gets posted online, and should be fixed by now) and it also has a lack of questions. My prof always talks about “Oh, its just intuition that this chemical reacts this way”… but how are we supposed to gain this intuition if we only have one question in the entire book relating to that chemical? Prepare for lot’s of studying and try and get some extra questions from books in a library or online.

Math 100:
Everyone thinks that this course is the “hardest” math. That you need to be a genius to be in this Math Course (besides the Honours Math). But let me tell you this, it’s not very hard at all. If you put the practice time in, it’s an easy A. The questions in the textbook seem to be a lot harder than the questions that show up in the Midterms and Exams, but thats for your own good. Math 100 ISN’T the hardest math.

Physics 101:
This Physics isn’t as hard as I thought it would be. The questions are very straight forward, it is easily comparable to the difficulty of a Gr. 12 Physics Course. The only thing that I have troubles with is remembering formulae, they allow you to make a Formula Sheet for their Midterms, but the Final… they supply their own. This sheet doesn’t have all the Formula and you have to remember some (and when I say some, I mean a lot) on your own. But once you got that down, you’re set.

English 110:
For me, this course wasn’t that bad. Most of it was just reading and analyzing, then writing about it. Nothing like writing your own poem, or the like. This course relies heavily on your TAs ability, rather than your Profs ability. I find that I learnt most of the material from the discussion groups rather than the lectures. The readings aren’t too long (for my section), and there was only one novel. So all in all, just hope you get a good TA.

Biology 121:
This course is very “conceptual” rather than “factual”. In Gr. 12 it was all about memorization and know how things work. This course is more about “what would happen?”, “how did this happen?”, “let’s test this and collect data”. If you’re good with Concepts (I’m not) then this course will be easy, if you have troubles (me) it should be alright. This course isn’t HARD no matter how you take it, so don’t expect this to be the bane of your existense.

Alright, well I hope that if any of you “prospective” students think about coming to UBC, that my opinions matter in your course decisions. And for you people who already took these courses, tell me if you disagree with anything, and I will fight you.


Things to Do Over the Weekend

by Jordan McGarry on November 21, 2009

Currently: Taking a Call of Duty break.

I am SOO SOO SOO sorry that I haven’t been posting. Life is harsh, and I had to take care of things that had to be done before I could share things with you! Now that thing’s are slowly settling down, I’ll get back to my normal postings. These past 2 weeks have been HELL for me. Lot’s of homework, midterms to study for, adjusting to a new living pattern, learning to drive, so much reading, getting sick, and other various stressful situations. The one major problem in my life right now is Motivation, or rather the lack of Motivation. This final stretch with the combination of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has completely shot the mentality I had at the beginning of the year to the ground. If anyone has tips on how to stay motivated, PLEASE share, I am desperate. My idea is to give my mom my Call of Duty CD and not give it back to me until after Finals. But back to my list… here it goes: (Order is in Priority)

  1. Get a haircut (reshave my head)
  2. Catch up in Chemistry (I am SOOOOO behind)
  3. Read and Understand Chemistry Crystal Workshop Package
  4. Catch up in Physics (Not as bad as Chemistry)
  5. Practice Driving
  6. Finish up my latest mix CD (compilation of my DJ Sets)
  7. Do some Calculus – Predicting Graphs given the function (These are such long questions!)

That looks like a fair reasonable list for this weekend. I work from 5:00am to 1:30pm on Sunday morning, so I can’t overload myself. I’ll post more after this weekend!


The Derivative of Life = Stress.

by Jordan McGarry on November 14, 2009

Currently: Listening to Showtek’s new Podcast. If ANYONE listens to Hardstyle (I highly doubt it) download and subscribe to Showtek’s Podcast… it’s awesome!

I’m sorry that I haven’t posted in almost a month! This past month has been a very hard month. October Midterms took over my life for a week, then I had to move back to my mom’s house. Then immediately after that I had to start studying for the 2nd batch of Midterms… finally here I am. Midterm free, and looking at the pile of homework and readings I have to do to catch up. I am sorry that I will have to keep this short, my life is seriously taken over by school and other things I need to do.

Here’s a video from the latest “all-night dance event” I was just at.

I hope all of you aren’t having a majorly stressful time, like I am! It’s definitely not fun!

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Family Talent

by Jordan McGarry on October 18, 2009

Currently: Finishing up studying the Electron Repulsion Theory and taking to some friends on MSN / Facebook Chat (They really need to make Facebook Chat better)

I was reading my Facebook News Feed today, and my cousin recently posted a video of him doing a Cover to “Highway Star” by Deep Purple (For all you Rock Band Fans, this is one of the last songs of the first game) I thought the cover was awesome, and asked him if he would let me post it here, for all you guy’s to see. So check it out! (I especially like 4:48 onwards)

Here’s what his post says, since you guy’s can’t see it:

Hey Guys!

My guitar is a G&L S-500 Deluxe (American, not Korean), I’m using a Fender SuperChamp XD, running through a BOSS DS-1 Distortion Pedal. I recorded this through my M-Audio FastTrack Pro Audio interface, using a Shure SM-57 Dynamic Cardioid Microphone. The audio was recorded into Audacity Audio Recording Software, and the video was captured by a Logitech Quickcam, and edited through Windows Movie Maker. There was Audio/Video lag between the original audio of the video and the video, so I synced the external recording with the video. This is why the sound quality changes once the video starts.

I hope you enjoy my cover =)


Jordan’s Top Five Ways to Study for Exams

by Jordan McGarry on October 17, 2009

Currently: Sipping on some Coca-Cola listening to some House Music

So, I’ve been getting back some of my midterms, and I must say… I did pretty good. I thought I would share what I do before a test, so that you guy’s can imitate if you think it’s a good method. Note that these methods go in the order that I think they work best, 1 being the best, and 5 being the 5th best. Also, I assume that with these ways, you do not receive a practice Exam of any kind.

5.) Read the textbook over again… and remember it.
If a Biology Exam covers Chapters 14, 54, 55, and 56. Reread them again. This may be very time consuming, but most textbooks nowadays BOLD the important terms and usually have a good chapter summary at the end to keep it concise. These are helpful, but their only helpful if you can use them in problems. Don’t just glance over it, think about it in your head as you read through it, and understand it rather than memorize it.

4.) Make some Cue Cards
Although this doesn’t work for every course, it’s very useful in courses where memorization is key. For example, memorizing the Derivatives of a logarithm, or memorizing the definition of all the terms related to Mitosis. I personally have two sets of Cue Cards, I have Cue Cards for Math and memorizing formulaes and such, and I also have a set for Biology. I don’t take too many courses where memorization is necessary, (Mine are mostly about numbers) so if you do take courses like that, I recommend using Cue Cards.

3.) Study Groups!… even if you’re a genius on your own.
Study Groups are excellent for pounding information in your head, also, it makes Studying a little bit less tedious and more fun. Your friends can help you answer questions you may have questions with, and if you are a genius, teaching someone how to do a problem will only further improve your genius-ness.

2.) Make your own Note Sheet even if you already have Notes.
Making your own notes is something I do for almost every class. (with the exception of English) I find making my own notes, and writing it in my own words, helps me understand what I wrote down. There’s also something about writing with your hand, it makes an imprint on your brain of what your just wrote. This may take awhile, but it will make a big difference. Another advantage to this, is on the day of the exam, you can review your notes as opposed to reading a massive textbook or looking at notes that may or may not make sense to you.

1.) DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!!!!!!!!
Doing homework is the best possible way to study for ANYTHING. I find that if I keep up with Math / Physics / Chem / Bio Homework, when it comes time to study for an Exam, I think to myself “I know this, why am I even studying?”. Doing homework may seem like a hassle to do everyday, but in the long run, when it comes time to studying. It will save you loads of time.

For ALL OF THE ABOVE make sure you NEVER GET STRESSED OR ANGRY. Stress and Mood Swings are a big reason for people doing bad in exams. I try to never get stressed for an Exam, and stay easy going. I go into exams with confidence, thinking in my head, “I’m going rock this exam!” and I come out usually doing so.

Hopefully these help, for future exams! Post comments of any methods of studying you guys may use.


Deadmau5 Live @ UBC Thunderbirds Arena

by Jordan McGarry on October 14, 2009

Currently: Forcing myself to stop playing Uncharted 2 and write a quick blog post before I go and read for 3 hours straight.

So, if you read earlier, I went to Deadmau5’s (pronounced “Deadmouse”) concert at Thunderbird Arena, a week and a half ago. Just thought I would give you all a brief description of how amazing this man is. He comes from Toronto, and is now rated one of the world’s top ten DJs. He doesn’t use the traditional Turntable and Mixer set up, instead he uses a really unique system. I’m not sure how it works exactly, but it’s a lot different that what most DJs use, and it gives him so much more freedom. No two performances are alike, their all different because of it. The best thing about him, is that he comes out in every performance with a Mau5 (Mouse) head.

There he is, standing with all his awesomeness. The night he was here, playing at Thunderbirds Arena, had a 3 hour set. 8:00pm to 11:00pm was the Timeslot where I was literally in heaven. The lighting rig had a giant “Mouse” head as the rig above him, with spot lights coming from the side. It wasn’t the best lighting rig, and I wasn’t necessarily impressed. If you want to see some videos of that night, there’s one in an earlier post (2 down from this one) and here’s another one:

Alright, time to go read! Search Deadmau5!! (7:00min in the video two posts down is the highlight of the night)


Super Nintendo

by Jordan McGarry on October 12, 2009

Currently: Taking a break from reading “The Tempest” by Shakespeare (no idea what’s going on, but that’s what Sparknotes is for) to write this post.

Before I start, this post may contain “geekyness” and “nerdity”, reader discretion is advised. So, every year, October to March of the next year is when all the good video games come out. Me, being a video game fanatic… as lame as it sounds, am excited for upcoming releases. I’ll have to ration my video game playing time, school is still priority, but everyone needs a break. There are three games I absolutely can’t wait for. I’m dieing in anticipation that these games will take over my life.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Release: November 10th, 2009

Sequel to the first Call of Duty, this game is all about war. I enjoy this game because my friends from High School play it and with online play, I get to shoot other players from around the world side by side with my buddies. That’s what you call bonding right there. This game has got big buzz, many people, like myself, are waiting anxiously for this game to come out so they can dedicate their lives to it. Me, I’ll be smart enough to limit myself to only a couple of hours a day, and the random off day when I have no work, I’ll put in a good 6 hours. I’m more into this game for the Online Play, and if it’s anything like the first one, this one will be good. The single player missions have also been boosted in graphic detail, according to the CEO of Infinity Ward (makers of the game) and are looking good. This game is going to be as close to real world war as I am going to get.

Final Fantasy XIII
Release Date: 2nd Quarter, 2010

I’ve been a Final Fantasy Fan all my life, I’ve played Final Fantasy since I was 10 years old, and my first game was Final Fantasy 7. This game looks amazing, and I seriously can’t wait to get my hands on it. I don’t know much about it, all I know is that the Trailers look awesome. And if this Final Fantasy is anything like the past, It will definitely take over my life… guaranteed. Nothing I can do about, just have to accept the fact that when this game comes out, I am going to be MIA for about a month.

Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty
Release Date: 2nd Quarter, 2010

If you are a male, and you grew up with a computer, you have to know the original starcraft. Its a legend. This game, looks like it will surpass the original starcrafts “legendary” status. From the demos they’ve shown, this game looks absolutely amazing. With 3 sets of this game coming out, one for each race in the game, I’m sure this series will keep be busy for at least a year after the first one comes out.


With all these advances in video games and entertainment (3D Movies and such) I wonder what is going to be next… I’m thinking invisible iPods and floating toilets. That’s next on the world’s list of technological advances.


A Sigh of Relief

by Jordan McGarry on October 9, 2009

Currently: Taking a break from cleaning up my place so that my landlord won’t think I’m a complete slob.

Midterms are DONE!! I have finished the first of two midterms for my 5 courses. For what I expected from University, these tests weren’t that bad. I thought University would require me to stay up til 5am (Which I only did for one Exam) and pull my hair out (Which I didn’t do for ANY exam). My first taste what actually counts for more than just a measly 1%, were these midterms. I’m going to break it down Midterm by Midterm.

Chem 121
Difficulty: Easy
Comments: Overall, this Exam wasn’t too hard. I have my mark for this exam already, but we’ll save that for another post. I had this exam first, and I was stressing out over it. When I received my paper and saw how simple it was, It literally was a sigh of relief. My suggestions to all you Chem students out there, if you wanna do good, just stay on track and keep up with the exercises. I never really had to go back and find out old information, as long as you keep on track and stay organized with your studying, you’ll do fine.

Engl 110
Difficulty: Moderate
Comments: I am a terrible essay writer, I can’t write a good essay to save my life. Especially when it is on something as broad as literature. I just can’t compose an Essay about a piece of literature and make it flow nicely, it just ends up a jumbled mess of words. I guess this is just one of those subjects I’m really bad at.

Phys 101
Difficulty: Moderate
Comments: This exam wasn’t TOO TOO bad, it was pretty hard, questions made me think for a bit, but in the end I got it all done without too much difficulty. I had about 7 minutes left over by the time I was done, and I could tell people were upset with the amount of time allotted. Overall, this exam was good for me, but I’m not sure how many of the other people in Phys 101 felt.

Bio 121
Difficulty: Easy
Comments: This exam was an open book exam, and it was more on Theory rather than Definite Answers. It wasn’t too bad, lots of time to write the exam, and the open textbook really helped. But with this exam, because its on Theory, its all on how the Prof marks it. I may have thought I did good, but the prof may be looking for specific answers which I didn’t put down.

Math 100
Difficulty: The bane of my existence
Comments: I find my Math skills to be pretty good, although when it comes to Prof Nagata’s class… they take a turn for the worst. His Exams aren’t too bad compared to his Marked Homework assignments, but the only thing about his Exam is… if you don’t know how to do it, you don’t have enough time. It was too the point where I had to look at the question, and instantly know in my mind how to do it. If I were to have spent anytime looking at the question and contemplating how to do it, I wouldn’t finish. The 50 minutes allotted is not enough time in my opinion. I managed to finish my last question the SECOND he said “Alright Pencils down.”

All in All, I know what to expect next time now, and next time I’ll be prepared.