Week 3

It has been another wonderful week up in the Cariboo.  This week I was in 100 Mile House again and I spent a great deal of time at the Youth Zone.  Over the past 2 weeks I have really had the chance to get to know many of the students.  On Wednesday, we had the opportunity to go to a local farm, Seeds, on a field trip with the Youth Zone.  Seeds is a communal garden that anyone can buy into.  We helped weed, pick vegetables, and plant potatoes in the garden.  It was so much fun learning a bit about gardening.  While we were gardening, I couldn’t help but think about how I know absolutely nothing about gardening.  There has never been a time in my life where I learned anything about gardening.  The extent of my knowledge is that plants need water and sunlight.  I thought about how important it is to understand a bit about planting fruits and vegetables for survival.  I obviously know that the fruits and vegetables that I buy in the grocery store come from a farm somewhere but I have never thought about how important the process is.

I think having opportunities for kids to learn about gardening and farming is so important. I know that many schools have “Green Club” where kids have a chance to learn about planting but this is a very small percentage.  Why not all kids?  I feel that gardening should be a life skill that is taught in all schools.  Our schools are very academic heavy and sometimes I think we forget to remember the basic life skills that are key to living.  I am sure not many kids have thought about where the apple they eat every day at lunch comes from.  I hope to learn more about gardening and find a way to integrate this into my teaching every year.

On Friday, I went to the Farmers Market in town and saw the actual spinach I had picked being sold to people.  I felt this instant sense of pride and accomplishment knowing that I had contributed to not only that farm but also someone’s next meal.  I think creating a connection to community and helping others is an even more important part of gardening.


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The spinach we picked

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A toad we found while gardening



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The spinach being sold at the Farmers Market

My favourite part about the North is the amazing outdoors and the wonderful opportunities to do so many activities outside.  This past week we had a chance to walk to a waterfall that is less than a 10-minute walk outside of town.  There are so many wonderful learning experiences for kids right outside their front door! There are many things I will miss about the Cariboo but this is something I will miss the most.

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These past three weeks I have learned so much.  I have experienced many different educational opportunities and met so many wonderful people.  But more than anything, I have learned so much about myself and the kind of teacher I want to be.  This has been an unforgettable experience that will influence my teaching for years to come.

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