Essay Resources

Primary Essay Concepts:

Hip hop + Race + Violence


 Secondary Essay Concepts:

Hip hop as a social justice influence

Racial profiling

Black Lives Matter movement

Police brutality

(White) Privilege

Minority identity


Cultural appropriation

(Political) Activism



J.Cole “Be Free” 5 min (violence + race + hip hop)

Macklemore “White Privilege II” 9 min (violence + race + hip hop)

The Game “Don’t Shoot” 6 min (violence + race + hip hop) ** stop at 3 min mark**

Macklemore interview (violence + race + hip hop)

Azealia Banks interview (violence + race + hip hop + cultural appropriation + minority identity)

** stop at 5:45 min mark**

Beyonce’s “Formation” music video (violence + race + hip hop)

*clean version*

Ted talk: how to raise a black son in America 5 min (violence + race)

Obama responding to Ferguson 4 min (violence + race)

Ted Talk on Police Racial Profiling/Ferguson 11 min (violence + race)

Black Lives Matter Mannequin Challenge: 1 min (violence + race)

Documentary on Toronto Police Profiling (violence + race)

Celebrities speak out in “How to Get Killed While Being Black” (violence + race + hip hop)

Clips from the show Blackish: (violence + race)

Documentary about African-Americans in the prison system

“13TH” full documentary available on Netflix



Article on Michael Brown shooting details (violence + race)

Essay on Racism & White Privilege (race + minority identity)

Essay on History of Hip Hop (hip hop + minority identity)


Article on Beyonce’s “Formation” (violence + race + hip hop + activism)

Black Live Matter movement website (violence + race + activism)

Social Justice Organization that enlists celebrity support:

Tool to analyze lyrics: (also available as a free app)


For thesis statement info click these:

thesis // Developing-a-Thesis-Statement1 // What How Why Thesis Example //Subject Link Main Points thesis example


Full Essay Graphic Organizer (with triangle method for intro/conclusion):


Introduction as an upside down pyramid:


Conclusion as a pyramid:


MLA formatting (sample paper):

MLA in-text citations (for a variety of sources):

MLA in-text citations for songs and performances:

Title/Intro paragraph Example:

Crimson Tragedies:
The Influence of Hip-Hop on Black Lives Matter

          Nothing stains asphalt quite like a heavy pool of crimson blood. When Michael Brown’s lifeless body lay in the road for several hours, his blood stained more than the asphalt beneath him. It stained the entire African-American community. It smeared them with fear. It painted them with anguish. They knew Michael Brown was not the first young black person to be murdered and he would not be the last. His blood inspired the black community to unite and fight back against the ongoing racism plaguing the nation. A key proponent of this fight is Black Lives Matter, an organization that rallies against police brutality. The Black Lives Matter movement is especially effective because of the tremendous support it has gained from hip-hop artists. Hip-hop has become a powerful platform for spreading the message of police brutality prevention. Black Lives Matter would not be as successful as it is without the contributions of Beyoncé, J. Cole, and Kendrick Lamar.


In-class writing strategies:

  1. Read topics carefully: DO NOT answer each question. The topic is to prompt you and inspire a thesis. Ultimately, your topic is your thesis statement.
  1. Take time to plan: you have plenty of time to write so I expect proper essay structure
  1. Make a quick outline

– Intro: hook

– *Thesis Statement*

– Body 1: topic, examples, explanation

– Body 2: topic, examples, explanation

– Body 3: topic, examples, explanation

– Conclusion: broad idea to leave reader with

  1. Punctuation matters: don’t ruin your great ideas with bad grammar and run-on sentences!
  1. Read over your writing:

– cross things out / use white out

– put ^ to insert missed words

  1. The title matters!!! Make it interesting!!!!

– write it last