To honour Steve Job’s death, Apple’s rivals Samsung and Google, postponed their launch of new smartphones. The new Android phone was scheduled to make its debut at a wireless industry trade show in San Diego this Tuesday, but the representatives wanted to pay respect to the death of an “iconic figure in our industry.”  This new curved glass screen phone that Samsung and Google are planning to reveal is very important; this phone would be the first phone to use the next-generation version of Android, “Ice-Cream Sandwich.” Other CEO’s of the rivalling companies also expressed their sadness to the press such as Microsoft, Nokia, Research in Motion and Sony. (

Samsung and Google set a very good example for the society. Samsung and Apple can be viewed as the biggest rival in the mobile phone business. However, the decision to postpone their product shows that they value respect over profit. Keeping business matters and personal feelings is a very difficult thing to do. Perhaps some may think that Samsung and Google made the decision purely based on the consumers’ emotional and psychological state, but situations like death, even those of rivals, cannot be ignored.


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