California Court of Appeal made a decision that it is illegal to drive while sitting in the vehicle – stationary or moving. In 2009, there was a case where a driver, Carl Nelson, was using his cellphone at a red light but as soon as an officer pulled up beside Nelson, he put his phone away. Despite Nelson’s reasonable arguments in the court, the panel ruled that using cell phones in a vehicle, even when it is motionless, would create safety hazards. The judges referred backed to some older cases to prove that the driver is still ‘driving’ while his foot is on the brakes. (

Today’s mobile phones are capable of performing many activities it is one of the top devices that distracts an individual from his/her work. Without this strict law, many court cases will be harder to close and too many ambiguous cases can occur. With the developing technology, automobile companies are developing more gadgets in their cars that allow the driver to drive safely while accessing his cellular device. As the technology is developing at an increasing rate, it will help to improve the safety of using a cell phone in a vehicle.


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