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Monthly Archives: August 2012

A common debate in the business world: Money? Or Ethical Behavior


Empathy is a fictitious element in the world of business. In its place, the forces of greed and selfishness are what prevalently drive and allow it to thrive. When society observes businesses, the noticeable trend of focusing more on lowering costs for higher profits, rather than the contentment of its consumers, becomes apparent. Therefore, it is a conventional practice of businesses to take cost-cutting shortcuts whenever possible.

As both sides are aware of this mentality, it becomes no surprise when news outlets report that a ‘reputable’ company such as Nike uses child labor. A recent news article on reported on Yahoo! however, brings forth a sliver of hope that old-fashioned ethical behavior still exists.

Lukoil, a well-known gas franchise in parts of North America, recently protested in FAVOUR of its consumers, which is completely unorthodox behavior by a business, especially towards its own goods and services. Personally, I found it incredibly respectable for a business to do what they did. By posting high prices that brought massive attention to the subject, while still charging their regular price, they brought attention to the fact that, even from a seller’s point of view, that current gas prices are unjust and consumers deserve cheaper prices.

Will this protesting action affect the price of fuel in the country?

Most likely not, but at least this symbolizes shows that some business owners are able to display ethical behaviour and think beyond their own business’s profitability.


Yahoo! News Article:–abc-news-topstories.html

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