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Once boasting a share price of $149.90, it’s all-time high, Research In Motion (RIMM) has seen its share price stumble constantly over the years to it’s current trading price of $7.88. RIM is in desperate need of a revolutionary facelift to turn things around, as both investors and consumers alike have slowly lost confidence in their products. Will BB10, their new operating system which has already been delayed multiple times, be the game-changer that allows RIM to once again compete with tech giants such as Apple and Samsung?

Is this the revolutionary product RIM has been waiting for?


Ryan Wakabayashi seems to believe that the success of BB10 can possibly catapult RIM back into relevancy. Although the release of BB10 would definitely be a popular product among consumers, it cannot compete with other smartphones as it has lost it’s sole Point of Difference. One of Apple’s many simple, yet elegant products: the iPhone, has a cult-like fan base. Combine that with Apple’s introduction of iMessage, the equivalent of BBM, the Blackberry loses its uniqueness. As BB10 seems to be lacking in revolutionary features, it is unlikely that RIM will reach the same level of success they did in 2008.



Ryan Wakayabashi’s

“RIM Stocks Rise as Blackberry10 Shows Promise”


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