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Archive for October, 2012

I recently read an intriguing article about consumer phycology and how advertising has changed over the last century. Evidencing the historical development of advertising and how it changed in correlation to the understanding of consumer phycology. Ditcher’s believed “that marketplace decisions are driven by emotions and subconscious whims and fears, and often have little to […]

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http://thechronicleherald.ca/business/142736-rim-falls-on-brand-report RIM has fallen from 56th to 93ed on one “of the latest ranking of global brands by an international consultancy.” This puts the firms estimated value at $3.9 billon, a 39% drop in the last year. BlackBerry has failed to innovate as much as other brands such as Apple an Android. They are at […]

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http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-investor/auto-sales-pick-up-speed-even-as-economy-sputters/article4581844/ This article discusses the recent increase in global sales of motor vehicles since last year. A major increase in sales has been seen in the U.S. market “which hit 14.9 million sales on an… annual basis,” however Canada has also had an increase in sales with the “highest numbers since September, 2000.” The Canadian […]

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