For my previous assignment, I frantically learnt how to use authoring tools in order to make up for the lack of aesthetic and limitations in layout that Moodle afforded. This cost me the structure of the my course as I struggled to maneuver around Moodle itself.
For this module, I focused on really learning how to use Moodle, not just on the surface as I had for the previous assignment, but to dig down so that I can gain more control of the details such as text size (aseemly simple change that caused me a lot of headache). This assignment for me from a technical standpoint was about fixing things. In the end, I completely changed the layout of my course to achieve, what I believe is, a better end product.
I enjoyed creating the course more as now that the learning curve for both Moodle and the e-learning tool had smoothed out for me, I could focus more on the structure of the course itself. I knew I wanted to use the concept of e-learning and had already divided my course into 5 modules (the remaining modules have not been created), but I realized that even these module were quite dense, particularly given such a hefty topic of web accessibility standardization. I decided to break my content module down into further submodules and ad
d knowledge checkpoints to make them more engaging.
This assignment definitely gave me more insight and appreciation into using Moodle, although I know I still have a long way too go.