Linking Assignment: Emoji Story

Task 6: Jocelyn Chan

I felt somewhat stumped when it came to this task. Therefore I sought out other classmates blog’s to see how they interpreted and approached this assignment. Jocelyn’s page was phenomenal and it was a great example for me to draw from. It helped deepen my understanding of my own thinking and how I would approach creating an Emoji story. I believe her approach resonated with me because we have similar styles in thinking and organizing information. Very logical and systematic. We also approached conveying our emoji story with a similar logic and flow. So it comes as no surprise that she linked to my Emoji story task as well!

Her site offers and demonstrates far more digital and technological literacies than mine. For starters, I am extremely narrative in my approach to work and expressing ideas. This term I felt like I utilized more authoring tools to visually display my thinking and approach to assignments. Whereas Jocelyn went above and beyond in her post to visually display her thinking.

She has a robust mind map, as well as text that is color coded and numbered to compare and contrast her thoughts to my own. This is incredible. I wish I knew how to incorporate the level of detail Jocelyn is capturing in her site, within my own. She has also figured out how to incorporate rich formatting, which I haven’t even figured out how to do on my blog site! This allows her to structure and organize the content on her page, making it more meaningful and interesting to learn. Whereas my site can be quite text heavy and daunting for the reader!

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