Task 7: Mode-Bending

Mode-bending was so difficult! Perhaps I need to work on my own digital literacy. While TikTok was incredibly user friendly and easy for me to generate a short video clip, what I struggled with most was trying to get this video posted to my blog site. Not only did I have to choose the correct permissions but I had to make sure the file type was correct. I had to convert the mov file into an MP4 file in order for it to work. WordPress is a really tough site for me to figure out how to use. I have also noticed that other classmates have done a great job of linking to other’s works and embedding content seamlessly into their posts, while I am not able to! Even the size of the video I have uploaded in this post is bigger than I had wanted and I don’t know how to make it smaller!

This exposure to digital technologies during the MET has been very beneficial for me as an individual and as an educator. It is aiding in the development of my own technological literacy. Being more literate in this area allows me to make informed decisions about the use of educational technology in my program, and empowers me to support and encourage my learners to venture into this world as well. One type of hypermedia I often use to help deliver educational content is YouTube. There are many doctor’s on YouTube that create their own educational channels where they break down complex concepts into more manageable sizes. Being the more knowledgeable other, I try to guide my learners to the videos and channels that I think do a good job of explaining certain concepts. One of the issues with a hypermediated, highly networked environment, is that the learner who is new to these concepts, can get lost and disoriented easily (Dobson & Willinsky, 2009). Hopefully with my guidance, I can bring hierarchy and structure to their YouTube tutorial navigation. Why YouTube tutorials are so effective is because you can listen to someone explain a concept while drawing it out. The other benefit of YouTube is how it’s algorithms show you more videos based on your search, therefore you can see multiple people explain a concept in different ways. As well, videos can be paused, replayed, and saved for later. This level of control over one’s learning puts the power back into the hands of the student, breaking down barriers to knowledge sharing, and promoting autonomy in ones learning (Dobson & Willinsky, 2009).  It also promotes critical thinking and provides immediate access to educational material.


Dobson, T. M.,& Willinsky, J. (2009). Digital literacy.

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