Is It Ethical to Let Companies Tinker With People’s Emotions?


Like any individual, you would assume that you are in control of your own decisions, thoughts, and emotions. Although this does not prevent companies such as Facebook from trying to influence them, it begs the question: Is it ethical to tinker with people’s emotions to promote revenue?

Many people rely on Facebook for updates on real life and current events. By moderating the content viewed on their news feed, Facebook has distorted the user’s perception of the site. In order for the content modification to have been ethical, users should have been briefed on the basics of the experiment taking place. Furthermore, by insisting that users have given their consent for the study, Facebook’s popularity amongst their angered users continues to decrease. While an increase in time spent on the service enables Facebook to show more ads, the largest source of the company’s revenue, the decrease in users will decrease corporate profit.

Some people say that Facebook’s manipulation was to make their users happier, but while the survey was held to “[create] a more alluring and useful product,” the goal of the marketing scheme was to increase Facebook’s profits. The Stakeholder Theory states that businesses need to create value in their product with the customers. However, by ignoring the aftermath of what many deem to be unethical, several Facebook users will decide to lessen their time on Facebook, potentially leading the business to decline. Facebook is not the first company to manipulate the user experience, nor the last, but how far do you think a business should go to maximize profit?

Goel, Vindu. “Facebook Tinkers With Users’ Emotions in News Feed Experiment, Stirring Outcry.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 29 June 2014. Web. 11 Sept. 2014.

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