The Importance of Money

Some things you just can’t trade for money. For many, it is important for the government to help stimulate the economy and create jobs for others, but other groups may have a different set of values in mind altering their perception of the government’s job. A good example of this situation can been seen with the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline struggle for approval.

For the Nak’azdli people, it is important for them to be able to pass on the natural environment and traditional ways onto the future generations. Building a such a large pipeline will destroy or displace the habitats of the wildlife as well as pose an increased amount of danger for animals in the event of an oil spill, such as salmon and the endangered Nechako white sturgeon.

Though creating more jobs is important, we should not allow the government to ruin the homes of many indigenous peoples. Like most people, I would not want my home to be taken away from me either. Instead, the government should invest their time and resources in looking for alternative solutions to oil and gas. With this new project, Canada will be able to innovate and potentially find a long term, more sustainable solution for alternative energy. Rather than having people work in oil and mining, those workers can apply their skills in a more environmental and less disruptive cause. By keeping in mind everyone’s socio-cultural views when designing projects, there will be fewer challenges for businesses when following through, unlike Enbridge, who is currently facing several legal issues.

Because they will have a large impact on the company name and process, every stakeholder should be considered, as seen in the First Nations vs. Enbridge altercation in BC.


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