Is Social Enterprise A Necessity?

” If the United Nations was fully funded why would we need the Arc or social enterprise”?

Unlike charities and other non-profit organizations, social enterprises aim to give back to the community by solving social, economic or environmental issues while generating profit. Without social enterprises, a lot of social groups would be supported and social problems would not be addressed. In addition, it is often more impactful if the problems are being addressed by local sources who understand the severity of the situation.

Though the United Nations does aid several social and environmental organizations and groups, there is not enough time in the world for one organization to find solutions for all of the world’s problems, even if they become fully funded.

Because they are also profitable businesses, Social enterprises are more sustainable than non-profit organizations and do not hinder the nation’s economic growth. However, unlike most businesses, their main objective is to benefit and improve the well-being of the people as opposed to maximizing profit. Furthermore, due to the current emphasis on social responsibility, consumers are willing to pay more for positive impacts, such as the Toms One for One slogan.

With the aid of social enterprises such as the Arc Initiative, smaller social enterprises are given the opportunity to learn the skills to run their business while addressing closer-to-home, less well-known social issues.  By educating others and help to serve the greater good, the Arc Initiative and social enterprises are one step closer to making the world a better place.


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