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ENGL 301 is a technical writing course delivered online that focusses on a variety of practical uses in business and professional settings.  The major outcomes of the course is to develop distinctive strategies of writing to different audiences, gain and provide feedback from peers, and use resources to create writing pieces that will help us move forward in our academic and professional career. 

This course is divided into four units, with each unit having three lessons, and each lesson taking up a week in duration.

  • Unit 1 walks through introductions of the course, building an online blog, and the principles of the course text.
  • Unit 2 includes the primary deliverable of creating a formal report project, peer reviewing a classmate’s report, and exploring LinkedIn to build a professional profile.
  • Unit 3 takes the formal report into a formal outline while using feedback from classmates and instructors. The intention is to eventually put together a job application to be posted on the Web Folio.
  • Unit 4 entails a final copy of the formal report, catering to a specific audience, and a social network strategy to complete the application.

From this course, I hope to be able to improve my capabilities as a writer in the form of clarity in communication, persuasive writing, and overall readability. Writing is a critical skill used in a variety of industries and everyday life. I enjoy the subjective aspect of writing and the many places it can be applied such as advertising, journalling, and e-mail. I currently work in marketing and one of the most difficult yet respected skills is copywriting and being able to write to a specific audience. I also find it most beneficial as it makes many other parts of your job much easier when you are able to communicate what you need easily in writing.