Unit Three Reflection

Unit 3 Reflection Blog 

Formal Report Draft

After submitting my formal report draft on the team forum this time around, I felt like I was finally at a place where the deliverable offered value and had cohesion on its own. Previously, we were doing outlines and writing down who our intended audience was, figuring out what questions to ask, etc. – which all served to be very helpful when creating the first draft. However, this unit involved actually applying those concepts and previously worked drafts and creating the report out of it. I am happy with the topic I chose as I learned having something you’re passionate about or having experienced first hand makes it that much easier to write about. This was also my first time using the UBC qualtrics website to create/conduct a survey and the process was quite straightforward. I found many useful resources when doing secondary research and am excited to produce the final report.  

Peer Review

For peer reviewing my classmate’s work, it definitely took longer this time around as we are now reviewing a 15 page document. I always find it very interesting to read other’s work and take note of how they structured their report and findings. After completing several peer reviews in this course, I have developed a system that works well for me. Initially, I would read the report once through making no edits or comments on text, only formatting and organization of the report. The second time reading, I would read each sentence carefully and determine whether to edit it or leave it in if it served its purpose. I would make a quick bulleted list with headings so that the peer review is easy to follow and structured. The final step is to polish my bullet list comments and provide context on each one. It provides me with a formal process for peer reviewing rather than picking random sentences and jumping back and forth on the document. My goal for peer reviews is to ensure my comments are reflective of what I am trying to fix and that they were clear enough instructions to follow. Additionally, I found the peer review conducted on my report to be extremely beneficial and gives me reassurance that someone else has enjoyed reading my work.

Link: Juanita’s Formal Report (First Draft)

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