E-mail Message to Prospective Writing Team Members


Hi Garrett,
I am interested in forming a writing team together for our ENGL 301 class. After reading through your biography, I commend you for starting your second degree and finding something that you are passionate about.
Given your extensive work experience at BC Hydro combined with your work ethic for consistent improvement, these qualities would make you a great team member. Since grammar is one of my strengths and critical thinking is one of my weaker traits, I would love to balance our skillset and work together to improve on our writing capabilities.
Please let me know if you would like to be in a writing team together. I look forward to your response.
Juanita Kwok
Hi Dale,
I am writing to you today in hopes to form a robust writing team together. Given your extensive publishing experience and team player attitude, I think you would make an excellent team member.
While work and school are top of mind for me, I also highly value creating meaningful connections. Thus, I believe we are aligned on having fun and learning together. Since I also work full time, I can understand your busy schedule and the importance of being an efficient and organized team.
Please let me know if you would be interested in working together. I look forward to hearing back from you!
Juanita Kwok
Hi Piper Kim,
I am e-mailing you today in hopes to form a writing team together. After reading your biography, I was impressed with your educational background and personal interests. I would also love to hear about your experiences living in New Jersey.
Given your extensive writing background pursuing a political science degree and my marketing copywriting skills, we both bring a lot to the table and could form a great writing team.
Thank you so much and I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Juanita Kwok
Attachment: Application Letter

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