
Hi everyone,

My name is Juanita Kwok and I am in the final year of my Bachelor of Business in Real Estate degree at UBC. After studying Nursing for a year in Montreal at McGill University, I decided to come back to Vancouver and pursue a career in real estate. Since then, I have completed my marketing management diploma at BCIT and a Diploma of Urban Land Economics (DULE) at UBC.

While school has been a big part of my life, I have also been working full time at a real estate marketing firm since 2019. I am currently working on my goal in becoming a project manager, giving life to multi-residential pre-sale communities throughout the Lower Mainland. I have had my real estate license for over a year now and love the dynamic industry I get to be a part of, especially in Vancouver where the only two things to talk about are the weather and real estate prices. Gaining experience in my career while finishing up my degree has been challenging but nonetheless, a very rewarding journey.

In this course, I hope to learn skills that will empower my career and give me more tools to become an effective communicator. In a world where online communication triumphs in person interaction, it is so important to be able to write concisely while remaining purposeful.

I look forward to expanding my skills as a writer this summer and meeting everyone soon. Feel free to reach out if you wanna chat, happy to connect!