Ethics! Where are your ethics!?

Wondering about which Q4 smartphone you should purchase? maybe Apple’s iPhone5? or Samsung’s equivalent flagship device?

Well, don’t get too hyped about them just yet. Around one week ago, on September the 7th, an article regarding business ethics was published on The reporter Chris MacDonald talks about a lawsuit that both Samsung and Apple are facing – labour rights in their Chinese manufacturing facilities.

“Employees working more than 100 hours of overtime in a month; children under 16 working in factories; failure to provide safety clothing where appropriate”, and no adequate means to address grievances or complains to the administration, are some of the violations both smartphone giants are facing as addressed by MacDonald. Advocates against Samsung also report the hiring of underage workers that presented fake IDs.

Although Samsung does not violate the minimum wage establish by China, the wage is so minimal – 1,310 renminbi or $206 monthly salary – that the increase of overtime labour becomes too compelling.

The question you should be thinking about is whether you will be able to own an iPhone5 or the Samsung equivalent knowing that the workers have been exploited by the manufacturing companies’ goal to minimize fixed cost?

MacDonald’s article link:–samsung-chinese-workers-and-labour-rights

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