Marketing, What Is It All About?

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about ‘marketing’?
Billboards ads, random pictures outside your favorite store, or maybe you would think about..

What you’re currently looking at is RISE’s in-process revamp logo published on their Facebook webpage. RISE is a local Vancouver clothing line that uses donated clothing to create ‘runway quality’ clothing with the ultimate hopes to revolutionize the market’s brand consumption mentality.

The Ubyssey reveals the inception of this marvelous entrepreneurship in their article, “UBC marketing student’s clothing line rises from the ashes“,

So what does RISE has to do with marketing?

 RISE demonstrates the positioning theory of marketing like no other. This consists of Point of Reference (P.o.R.), Point of Parity (P.o.P.), and Point of Difference (P.o.D.), which all together offer what is known as a Value Proposition.

The contemporary, trendy, innovative-seeking clothing market describes RISE’s P.o.R. Its capacity to produce high-end couture gives the entrepreneur company its P.o.P. Lastly, by using thrift (donated clothing), RISE makes its brand standout with a unique P.o.D.

So once again, What is it [marketing] all about? Well, I say marketing is all about winning customers by adequately captivating their interest with a unique standpoint.

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