I’m Loaded, What Should I Do?

Have you ever dreamed of being rich? a millionaire? a billionaire?

Imagine for the duration of your reading throughout this post, that you have just incurred a financial windfall.

According to Stanely M. Tepner in his article “Dealing With Financial Windfalls”, “a financial windfall is any distribution of financial assets that leaves the recipient with dramatically greater liquid wealth than they had been accustomed to managing before the distribution.

Tepner continues to raise very interesting insight regarding what the recipient of a financial windfall might undergo. Usually the recipient is very overwhelmed by the sudden increase in wealth. In turn, they seek the service of financial advisers.

In becoming [their] advisor, we strive to educate, coordinate, evaluate and then allocate as we create and deploy a comprehensive financial plan for our client“, this is what Tepner states as his role as an adviser.

However, what caught my interest are the whereabouts of the wealth until the recipient evaluates and decide what to do.

The wealth is encouraged to take advantage of its Time Value of the Money. That is, to invest the wealth in a trust fund, savings account, bond, etc. until a well-thought-out plan is developed.

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