Insight for Entrepreneurs by Guy Kawasaki

Guy Kawasaki has a blog named “How to Change the World“. Its sub-title describes his blog as A practical blog for impractical people. Kawasaki blogs about a variety of insightful topics that “impractical” or rather inquisitive people would be interested in.

A particular blog post entitled, “Raising Money: What Not to Say and What Not to Believe #OfficeandGuyK” provides great insight to entrepreneurs that are hoping to find support for their ventures. He has a “Top Ten Lies of Entrepreneurs” and a “Top Ten Lies of Investors”. To entrepreneurs, Kawasaki’s articles could be very fundamental to their success. Kawasaki clearly points out that in order to enhance their entrepreneurial efforts, one does not need a great quantity of monetary funds.

However, he does acknowledge that at some point, financial support and funding is essential for any entrepreneurial venture to take place. That is why he has provided such lists. So that entrepreneur know what not to say and how to recognized hollow responses from investors.

Lastly, he concludes with the remark that “the bottom line is this is one of the cheapest times to be an entrepreneur, so go into your garage and start prototyping“.

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