Renown Approach to Technology Usage by Ryan Ho

Ryan Ho is a fellow classmates in my Business Fundamental course. He also has a blog, ‘Ryan’s Blog‘, in which he also blogs about how our world is intertwined with business concepts.

In his article “Infographics: New Form of Data Representation“, Ho talks about how companies such as provide insight into “fascinating advancement in information display”. He continues to associate this renown approach to technology usage to the business fields of MIS and BTM. It’s clear how using infographics helps a company’s information become drastically more appealing and lasting compared to the old fashioned spreadsheet methods. Ho also insight-fully points out how using infographics could position the keen companies with a point of difference that appeals to the contemporary raise of technological preference.

In another note, the introduction of infographics is an example of a potential entrepreneurial change. A change that serves to innovate the current methods businesses could build a relationship with their customers and the public. It could, in fact, provide a vast range of opportunities. It could provide information that showcase a company’s desires to become more sustainable.

This infographics bellow showcase how Smart Grid are sustainable, through a medium that is economically inexpensive.

Smart Grid: Where Power is Going


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