Sometimes the Answer is not Obvious

Tony J Wang has a blog named “Philosopher 2.0“. In his blog, Wang claims that he graduated from Stanford University in 2007, that he studied philosophy and economics, and that he wrote his honors thesis within the Ethics in Society program. He currently works forĀ Blueprint Research & Design, in which he works for the strategy consulting firm in the field of philanthropy.

In his article “Charity vs Business: The BusinessĀ Case“, Wang gives insight to investors that seek to invest their wealth and wish to be part of a good impact. He clearly highlights “the million dollar question’ as ‘which one [charity or business] generates more social impact per $”.

He than continues to provide information regarding why:

1 Charity is (Always) Limited
2 Charity is (Often) Inefficient
3 Charity (and Aid) is Often Insulting and Harmful (video in support bellow)

This three points clearly showcase charity under a very disadvantageous light. Although charity might have good intention at heart, its does not always generate more social impact than business.

Lastly, Wang contrast charity to his 4th point, Business (if Successful) Scales. Wang concludes with the notion that due to raising social entrepreneurs, investing in businesses are generally more effective than nonprofits.

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