Insight On Captivating Your Target Audience by Gaby Herbert

Gaby Herbert is a fellow classmates in my Business Fundamental course. She also has a blog, ‘Gaby Herbert’s COMM 101 Blog‘, in which she also blogs about how our world is intertwined with business concepts.

In her article “GETTING INTO YOUR AUDIENCE’S BRAAAAAAAINS“, Herbert talks about how Heart and Stroke Foundation cleverly captivates the attention of the youth audience who are quick to dismiss CPR as an important skill. She explains that by ‘tricking’ the audience into believing that the promo is some sort of movie trailer, the foundation is able to provide important information. Ultimately, Herbert emphasizes that the usage of different marketing strategies to target different audience is a very valuable skill. See for yourself.

Moreover, Herbert’s article not only teaches the importance of carefully planning marketing ads, but also serves as an example of its own lesson. The most noticeable point of difference that convinced me to blog about her article is the clever implementation of a video. Although it is not uncommon for blogs to have video’s embedded, not many, if any, of the other bloggers haveĀ figured how to embed them. This small detail turns Herbert’s blog into something more and different.
It’s smart ‘marketing’.

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