Cleaning Our Sidewalks One Brand at a Time!

Marketing and the promotional activities have usually been
associated with waste.  Packaging and
advertisements are thrown in the trash with little thought of the
environment.  However a company,
GreenGraffiti is cleaning the filthy sidewalks and doing it with the help from
our favorite brands. I discovered them in an article on

They do ‘reverse graffiti’ essentially: it is using a
template on the dirty sidewalk and cleaning it.
This leaves an imprint of the logo in the sidewalk.  In a few weeks, the side walk gets dirty and the advertisement is gone. This form of marketing is exceptionally eco-friendly
and is cleaning up the sidewalks of our cities.
Instead of spending a significant amount of money on large billboard
signs around the train stations and on the side of buildings, it would be
etched in black and white right under our feet.
Every kid enjoys playing with chalk and writing on their driveway or
sidewalk.  That actually dirties the area.  In an age where the marketing
touchpoints have increasingly focused on social media, this kind of marketing
is a refreshing and sustainable marketing strategy that I hope is adopted
throughout the world.

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